A chat with Lyrics Born

by GhettoManga contributor Michael Lagocki
 On Friday afternoon I had a nice surprise, a phone call from Lyrics Born. I've been a fan of his for some time and really respect the Quannum crew of lyricists he came up with (among them, The GIft of Gab, perhaps my all time favorite MC).

Lyrics has a greatest hits album coming up and as part of his promo work for it, he called a few fans personally. I was looking forward to this release anyway and it absolutely brightened my day to be phoned by someone who's music I've loved for years.
We talked for nearly ten minutes, most of it about music and what we do for a living and some of his projects and about doing good work. It felt blessed.

A few days later I realized this had all been posted to youtube, which admittedly was a bit weird since I handled it all as a private conversation. Be careful out there kids, it's 2015 and you're on camera. Fortunately, the call was a great experience and I thought it was worthy of sharing.

Here's the video of the experience...

Video link: https://youtu.be/tFfeBcZ9JNI?t=33m45s
and here's the page to get in on the Greatest Hits album if you're interested... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1786738505/now-look-what-youve-done-lyrics-born
Michael Lagocki is one-fifth of the mighty GhostWerks Crew, and one of the wheels within the wheel that is ArtLoveMagic, a massive collection of artists, musicians and poets dedicated to fighting evil with the power of good art. 

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